Teie kommentaarid

Hi Mike,

Try again, hopefully this should resolve itself. We have just rolled out an entirely new, and much more sophisticated, search engine, and there seem to be a few bugs with caching of the old search. If it is not fixed by itself, let me know.
Excellent, well that was an easy fix!
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. The linked ebook is The Book of the Discipline by IB Horner. Are you getting something else?
Could you be more specific? I have just downloaded the file and it works fine on my machine.
Hi Starter,

Thanks for the thanks, and for the interesting comments. These are certainly related suttas, and perhaps should be included as parallels, or partial parallels. I'll forward your suggestion to Rod Bucknell, who is our resident authority on parallels. Obviously at the end of the day there will be a degree of subjective judgement as to what is and is not a parallel; but our guiding principle is that we want to point students towards related texts that can help illuminate the study.

with metta

Bhante Sujato
Hi Dan,

Sounds like a browser issue to me. I've just checked that page (using Chrome) and no problem. Try another browser and see if that helps. Chrome automatically substitutes diacritical/plain forms of letters, so searching for "nivarana" and "nīvaraṇa" yield the same results. I'm not sure if other browsers do this. But this shouldn't affect a search for "vara".
Hi Starter,

The Pali lookup is still there, it hasn't gone away! You can access it through the sidebar: see the big green arrow on the side of the page? That's where happiness lies...

We also have lots of Chinese Agama texts now, and you can read them using the equally awesome Buddhist Chinese lookup.
well, thank you, that's very kind.
Hi Nuno,

Thanks for this. We're aware of this project; in fact it's maintained by the blogger/commenter known as LLT, who you might recognize from here or my blog. It's definitely an interesting approach, and we have discussed possible ways of integrating with SC.

We already have our own Chinese lookup tool, although just checking the site now I see that's it's not working, so we'll have to fix that. But it works pretty much like the Pali lookup; in some ways it's a lot easier with Chinese, as there's no morphology to worry about. Our lookup is based on the excellent Buddhist Chinese Dictionary maintained by Charles Muller, which he has kindly made available for us.

Like the Pali dictionary, simple definitions are available on hover, and the full entry is accessed by clicking the headword. It pretty much means that you can read the Chinese texts straight off, if you have a reasonable knowledge of Buddhist texts; and of course it would ideally be used together with translations.
All good points, I have to admit. I had been using things like this manuscript from Dunhuang as template. I can't really say, but it does seem as if the "vertical lines" layout is more common. But it is definitely a good point about the conjoined characters used for Indic terms; it was in fact these that I was thinking of when I said there were exceptions to the rule that each character is one word. Perhaps the ideal thing would be to group characters semantically; but this would be a vast job, and not really in line with how the characters are used. I'll seek feedback from some other users, and make the change if it seems useful.